User Guide
Sa tellite Modem
Revision A.1
Copyright 2008 Hughes Network Systems, LLC.
All rights reserved. This public a tion a nd its c ontents a re proprieta ry to Hughes Network Systems, LLC . No pa rt of this
public a tion ma y be reproduc ed in a ny form or by a ny mea ns without the written permission of Hughes Network Systems,
LLC ., 11717 Explora tion La ne, G erma ntown, Ma ryla nd 20876. Hughes Network Systems, LLC ., ha s made every effort to
ensure the c orrec tness a nd c ompleteness of the ma teria l in this doc ument. Hughes Network Systems, LLC ., sha ll not be
lia ble for errors c onta ined herein. The informa tion in this doc ument is subjec t to c ha nge without notic e. Hughes Network
Systems, LLC . ma kes no wa rra nty of a ny kind with rega rd to this ma teria l, inc luding, but not limited to, the implied
wa rra nties of merc ha nta bility a nd fitness for a pa rtic ula r purpose.
All tra dema rks, ma rks, na mes, or produc t na mes referenc ed in this public a tion a re the property of their respec tive
owners, a nd Hughes Network Systems, LLC . neither endorses nor otherwise sponsors a ny suc h produc ts or servic es
referred to herein. HUG HES a nd Hughes Network Systems a re tra dema rks of Hughes Network Systems, LLC . THURAYA
tra dema rk is the sole a nd exc lusive property of Thura ya Sa tellite Telec ommunic a tions C ompa ny.
Safety Information
For your sa fety a nd protec tion, rea d this entire user guide before you
a ttempt to use ThurayaIP Sa tellite Modem. In pa rtic ula r, rea d this
sa fety sec tion c a refully. Keep this sa fety informa tion where you c a n
refer to if nec essa ry.
Warning Symbols Used in this Guide
This sec tion introduc es the va rious types of wa rnings used in this
doc ument to a lert you to possible sa fety ha za rds.
Potentia l ra dio frequenc y (RF) ha za rd. Where you see this
a lert symbol a nd WARNING hea ding, stric tly follow the
wa rning instruc tions to a void injury to eyes or other
persona l injury.
Where you see this a lert symbol a nd WARNING hea ding,
stric tly follow the wa rning instruc tions to a void persona l
Elec tric shoc k ha za rd: Where you see this a lert symbol
a nd DANG ER hea ding, stric tly follow the wa rning
instruc tions to a void elec tric shoc k injury or dea th.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Warnings for THURAYAIP
Do not stand in front of the Antenna
This devic e emits ra dio frequenc y energy when in the tra nsmit
mode. To a void injury, do not pla c e hea d or other body pa rts
in front of the sa tellite a ntenna when system is opera tiona l.
Ma inta in a dista nc e of one meter a wa y from the front of
ThurayaIP’s a ntenna .
Properly ground the Antenna
Fa ilure to properly ground the optiona l externa l a ntenna ma y
result in severe persona l injury or dea th. Do not a ttempt to
ground the optiona l externa l a ntenna unless you ha ve the skills
to do so in a c c orda nc e with loc a l elec tric a l c odes.
Do not operate during Electrical Storms
Opera tion of ThurayaIP during elec tric a l storms ma y result in
severe persona l injury or dea th. Disc onnec t ThurayaIP from
c omputer a nd store unit indoors if lightning is a ntic ipa ted in
the a rea of opera tion.
Ha ndle your ThurayaIP with c a re. The enc losure is wea ther
resista nt per IEC 60529 IP55. However, do not submerge the
unit or expose it to severe ra instorms. Avoid exposing your
ThurayaIP to extreme hot or c old tempera tures. The opera ting
tempera ture ra nge of ThurayaIP is -10ºC to +55ºC .
Avoid pla c ing your ThurayaIP c lose to c iga rettes, open fla mes
or a ny sourc e of hea t.
C ha nges or modific a tions to ThurayaIP not expressly a pproved
by Hughes Network Systems c ould void your a uthority to
opera te this equipment.
Use a soft da mp c loth only to c lea n your ThurayaIP.
To a void impa ired Modem performa nc e, plea se ensure your
ThurayaIP’s a ntenna is not da ma ged or c overed with foreign
ma teria l like pa int or la belling.
When inserting the SIM, do not bend the SIM or da ma ge the
c onta c ts in a ny wa y. When c onnec ting the interfa c e c a bles,
do not use exc essive forc e.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
In the vicinity of blasting work and in explosive environments
Never use ThurayaIP where bla sting work is in progress.
Observe a ll restric tions a nd follow a ny regula tions or rules.
Area s with a potentia lly explosive environment a re often, but
not a lwa ys, c lea rly ma rked. Do not use ThurayaIP while a t a
petrol filling sta tion. Do not use nea r fuel or c hemic a ls.
Qualified service
Do not a ttempt to disa ssemble your ThurayaIP. ThurayaIP
does not c onta in c onsumer-servic ea ble c omponents. Only
qua lified servic e personnel ma y insta ll or repa ir equipment.
Batteries and accessories
Use a pproved ba tteries (HNS P/N 3500108-0001) a nd
a c c essories only. Use of non-a pproved a c c essories ma y result
in loss of performa nc e, da ma ge to ThurayaIP, fire, elec tric
shoc k or injury.
AC Ma ins power a da pter (HNS P/N 3500114-0001) is for indoor
use only. It ha s a n indoor opera ting tempera ture ra nge of -
10ºC to +55ºC a nd provides a n output volta ge of 12 VDC .
The stora ge c a pa bility of the ba ttery dec rea ses when
opera ted below 0ºC . If the ba ttery is c ha rged a t too high a
tempera ture, this will be indic a ted on the LC D displa y.
Battery Door
To ensure sa fety, ensure tha t the ba ttery door is properly
c losed a nd la tc hed a t a ll times during opera tion. To c lose the
ba ttery door, hook the ba ttery door ta b under the edge of the
la rge opening in the enc losure nea r the da ta c onnec tor ports.
Firmly press the ba ttery door into the opening. The sea l a round
the ba ttery door should snugly fit between the door a nd the
enc losure with no pinc h points visible. Onc e a good sea l ha s
been ma de, sc rew the reta ining fa stener into the enc losure
until ha nd tight.
Connecting devices
Never c onnec t inc ompa tible produc ts. When c onnec ting
ThurayaIP to a ny other devic e, rea d the devic e’s User G uide
for deta iled sa fety instruc tions.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
The va rious bra nds a nd models of c a rdia c pa c ema kers
a va ila ble exhibit a wide ra nge of immunity levels to ra dio
signa ls. Therefore, people who wea r a c a rdia c pa c ema ker
a nd who wa nt to use a Sa tellite Modem should seek the
a dvic e of their c a rdiologist. If, a s a pa c ema ker user, you a re
still c onc erned a bout intera c tion with ThurayaIP, we suggest
you follow these guidelines:
Ma inta in a dista nc e of 15 c m between ThurayaIP a nd
your pa c ema ker;
Ma inta in a dista nc e of one meter a wa y from the front
of ThurayaIP’s a ntenna ;
Refer to your pa c ema ker produc t litera ture for
informa tion on your pa rtic ula r devic e.
If you ha ve a ny rea son to suspec t tha t interferenc e is ta king
pla c e, turn off your ThurayaIP immedia tely!
Hearing aids
Most new models of hea ring a ids a re immune to ra dio
frequenc y interferenc e from Sa tellite Modems tha t a re more
tha n 2 metres a wa y. Ma ny types of older hea ring a ids ma y be
susc eptible to interferenc e, ma king it very diffic ult to use them
nea r a Sa tellite Modem. Should interferenc e be experienc ed,
ma inta in a dditiona l sepa ra tion between you a nd ThurayaIP.
Hughes Network Systems, LLC , dec la res under our sole responsibility tha t the produc t Hughes 9103 Sa tellite IP Terminal
to whic h this dec la ra tion rela tes, is in c onformity with the following sta nda rds a nd/or other norma tive doc uments: ETSI
EN 301 681 , ETSI EN 300 328, ETSI EN 301 489-1, ETSI EN 301 489-17, ETSI EN 301 489-20, IEC 60950-1. We hereby dec la re
tha t a ll essentia l ra dio test suites ha ve been c a rried out a nd tha t the a bove na med produc t is in c onformity to a ll the
essentia l requirements of R&TTE Direc tive 1999/5/EC .
This devic e c omplies with Pa rt 15 of the FC C Rules. Opera tion is subjec t to the following two c onditions: (1) This
devic e ma y not c a use ha rmful interferenc e, a nd (2) This devic e must a c c ept a ny interferenc e rec eived, inc luding
interferenc e tha t ma y c a use undesired opera tion.
This equipment ha s been tested a nd found to c omply with the limits for C la ss B Digital Devic e, pursua nt to Pa rt 15 of
the FC C Rules. These limits a re designed to provide rea sona ble protec tion a ga inst ha rmful interferenc e in a
residentia l insta lla tion. This equipment genera tes a nd c an ra dia te ra dio frequenc y energy a nd, if not insta lled a nd
used in a c c orda nc e with the instruc tions, ma y c a use ha rmful interferenc e to ra dio c ommunic a tions. However, there
is no gua ra ntee tha t interferenc e will not oc c ur in a pa rtic ula r insta lla tion. If this equipment does c a use ha rmful
interferenc e to ra dio or television rec eption, whic h c a n be determined by turning the equipment off a nd on, the user
is enc oura ged to try to c orrec t the interferenc e by one or more of the following mea sures.
Reorient or reloc a te the rec eiving a ntenna
Inc rea se the sepa ra tion between the equipment a nd rec eiver
C onnec t the equipment into a n outlet on a c irc uit different from tha t to whic h the rec eiver is c onnec ted
C onsult the dealer or a n experienc ed ra dio/TV tec hnic ia n for help
Any c ha nges or modific a tions not expressly a pproved by the pa rty responsible for c omplia nc e c ould void the user’s
a uthority to opera te the equipment.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
SAFETY INFORMATION ..................................................................................I
WARNING SYMBOLS USED IN THIS G UIDE...............................................................I
WARNING S FOR THURAYAIP................................................................................ II
CONTENTS ................................................................................................... V
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................1
FIRST TIME SET-UP..........................................................................................1
UNPAC KING ..................................................................................................... 1
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND C ONFIG URATION.................................................. 2
SETTING UP THE MODEM.................................................................................... 2
STEP 1: SIM INSERTION..................................................................................3
STEP 2: POWER C ONNEC TION AND BATTERY C HARG ING ..................................3
STEP 3: OBTAIN INITIAL G PS USING THE ThurayaIP.........................................3
STEP 4: DATA C ONNEC TIONS ........................................................................4
STEP 5: POINTING TO THE SATELLITE.................................................................4
QUICK REFERENCE .......................................................................................7
G LOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION ......................................................... 7
STORED G PS LOC ATION...............................................................................7
INTEG RATED MAN MAC HINE INTERFAC E (IMMI).................................................. 8
C ONTROL BUTTONS......................................................................................8
STATUS/MENU DISPLAY .................................................................................9
NAVIG ATION OF THE IMMI............................................................................9
DATA RATE SELEC TION............................................................................... 10
REC EIVE SIG NAL STRENG TH DISPLAY ............................................................ 11
DISPLAY IC ONS......................................................................................... 12
WEB MAN MAC HINE INTERFAC E (WMMI) SC REENS........................................... 13
HOME SC REEN.......................................................................................... 14
PROPERTIES SC REEN .................................................................................. 15
STATISTIC S SC REEN..................................................................................... 16
C ONNEC TION MANAG EMENT SC REEN ........................................................ 17
STATUS SC REEN ......................................................................................... 18
SETTING S SC REENS..................................................................................... 19
NETWORK SETTING S SC REEN ....................................................................... 19
SEC URITY MANAG EMENT SC REEN................................................................ 20
LOG IN SETTING S SC REEN............................................................................ 22
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
WLAN C ONFIG URATION SC REEN............................................................... 22
WLAN SEC URITY SC REEN .......................................................................... 23
ADVANC ED SETTING S SC REEN .................................................................... 24
POINTING SC REEN..................................................................................... 25
UPG RADING THURAYAIP ................................................................................. 27
UPG RADING SOFTWARE............................................................................. 27
G ENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................... 28
STATUS C ODES ............................................................................................... 33
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Your ThurayaIP is a Sa tellite Modem tha t
provides porta ble, high-speed da ta
c ommunic a tions via sa tellite. Using
“Alwa ys On” tec hnology, you c a n rema in
c onnec ted to the Internet while only
sending or rec eiving the da ta tha t you
need a t speeds of up to 444kbits/s, just a s
if you were sitting a t your offic e desk.
ThurayaIP works with your c omputer using
a n Ethernet, USB or Wi-Fi c onnec tion. While
ThurayaIP opera tes very simila rly to other
da ta modems tha t you ma y be fa milia r with, there a re a few importa nt
opera ting differenc es to note. Plea se rea d this user guide c a refully to
understa nd a ll the a spec ts of opera ting your ThurayaIP.
First Time Set-Up
This sec tion guides you through the proc ess of setting up a nd
c onfiguring your ThurayaIP for the first time. The steps presented should
be followed in the order given. When you a re finished, your c omputer
a nd modem will both be set up a nd rea dy to use.
Unpa c k the modem a nd a c c essory box items.
ThurayaIP Sa tellite Modem
AC Ma ins Power Ada pter a nd c a ble (100 – 240V AC )
Universa l AC power plug tra vel a da pter
Rec ha rgea ble Lithium Ion Ba ttery pa c k
Ethernet c a ble (do not use c ross-over c a ble)
USB c a ble
User G uide (this doc ument)
Your Servic e Provider will supply a Subsc riber Identific a tion Module (SIM).
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Software Installation and Configuration
Your PC must support a n Ethernet, USB or Wireless LAN interfa c e to
opera te with ThurayaIP.
The C D ROM c onta ins USB drivers for Windows 2000, XP, Vista a nd MAC
OS10.3 a nd la ter opera ting systems. If you intend to use the ThurayaIP
with a USB c onnec tion, plea se insert the C D ROM into the c omputer
a nd follow the instruc tions to insta ll the USB driver. MAC users will a lso
need to c a rry out the following steps a fter the USB driver insta ll
c ompletes:
1) plug in USB c a ble
2) Selec t Apple Menu->System Preferenc es on the MAC
3) G o to "Network"
4) A new network port should then be rec ognised
Note: You must verify tha t the proxy server settings in your
browser a re disa bled. For Mic rosoft Internet Explorer, selec t
Tools / Internet Options / C onnec tions / LAN Settings a nd
unc hec k the box la belled ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’.
For Netsc a pe, go to Adva nc ed Preferenc es a nd selec t
‘Direc t c onnec tion to the Internet’. When c omplete plea se
c lose your browser.
Setting Up the Modem
There a re five ba sic steps to getting your Modem up a nd running:
Step 1: SIM insertion
Step 2: Power C onnec tion a nd Ba ttery C ha rging
Step 3: Obta in Initia l G PS Fix using the ThurayaIP
Step 4: Da ta C onnec tions
Step 5: Pointing to the Sa tellite
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
1. Unpa c k the modem a nd
a c c essories. Your servic e provider
will ha ve provided you with a SIM
c a rd.
2. Insert SIM provided by your Servic e
Provider into the SIM holder inside
the ba ttery c ompa rtment a s shown.
SIM Insertion Orientation
3. To c lose the ba ttery door, hook the ba ttery door ta b under the
edge of the la rge opening in the enc losure nea r the da ta
c onnec tor ports. Firmly press the ba ttery door into the opening. The
sea l a round the ba ttery door should snugly fit between the door a nd
the enc losure with no pinc h points visible. Onc e a good sea l ha s
been ma de, sc rew the reta ining fa stener into the enc losure until
ha nd tight.
1. The ThurayaIP ships with the ba ttery preinsta lled;
however, if needed, insta ll the ba ttery in the
c ompa rtment pic tured in Step 1.
2. Plug in Power c a ble a nd c ha rge the ba ttery for a t
lea st three hours.
DC Power Jack
1. Put the ThurayaIP outside on a fla t surfa c e with a c lea r view of the
sky a wa y from building, trees a nd other obstruc tions.
2. Power up Sa tellite Modem by pressing the Power button.
3. Onc e powered up, ThurayaIP will a utoma tic a lly a ttempt to loc a te
itself using G PS. This ma y ta ke up to five minutes. The sma ll G PS
sa tellite ic ons on the displa y (sha ded a rea in the pic ture below)
show how ma ny G PS sa tellites a re in view a t a ny given time. You
need a ll three sa tellite ic ons to be on solidly to obta in a G PS fix. If
a ny a re missing or fla shing then the G PS signa l is being bloc ked.
GPS Satellite Icon Location on Display
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
When the GPS ic on stops fla shing then ThurayaIP ha s suc c essfully
upda ted its G PS position.
Connect the ThurayaIP to your PC using
Ethernet or USB. It is a lso possible to c onnec t
using the wireless LAN fa c ility, but use one of the
wired c onnec tions for the first time setup.
Data Connections
C onnec t the Ethernet c a ble to your la ptop’s network interfa c e a nd
insert the other end of the c onnec tor into the ThurayaIP.
Note: Any Ethernet c a ble c a n be used to c onnec t the la ptop
a nd modem a s long a s it is less tha n100 meters in length.
You will first need to insta ll the USB driver from the C D ROM following the
instruc tions in the Softwa re Insta lla tion a nd C onfigura tion sec tion a bove.
Next, c onnec t the USB c a ble to your la ptop’s USB interfa c e a nd insert
the other end of the c onnec tor into the ThurayaIP.
USB and Ethernet Data Connection Locations
1. ThurayaIP is c ontrolled through a web browser interfa c e (wMMI). To
a c tiva te the wMMI, open the browser on your la ptop. Enter
URL address field
Note: You ma y wa nt to store this URL a s a browser bookma rk.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
2. If you ha ve PIN sec urity ena bled on your SIM, you will be prompted
to enter your PIN before proc eeding.
Note: You must ha ve a va lid G PS loc a tion for the c ompa ss
direc tion a nd Antenna Angle to be displa yed. If the G PS is
not va lid, go ba c k to step 3 a nd a llow ThurayaIP to obta in a
G PS fix.
Compass Direction Antenna Angle
Home Page Satellite Location Display
3. Look a t the wMMI home pa ge displa y a nd note the c ompa ss
bea rings a nd eleva tions for both ThurayaIP sa tellites in the “Sa tellite
Loc a tion” sec tion. The rec ommended sa tellite for your loc a tion will
be highlighted in green. With the ThurayaIP termina l upside down,
use the integra ted c ompa ss to determine
the direc tion of the rec ommended sa tellite.
You must be a ble to obta in a c lea r view of
the sa tellite in the sky for the ThurayaIP to
c onnec t to the network. If the
rec ommended sa tellite is obstruc ted from
your loc a tion, c onsider using the a lterna te
sa tellite instea d. If neither sa tellite is
a c c essible from your loc a tion, you will need to move to a loc a tion
tha t ha s visibility to a t lea st one of the sa tellites.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
4. Onc e you ha ve determined the best sa tellite to use, move the
a ntenna sta nd to the c orrec t eleva tion a ngle
using the integra ted protra c tor. Rec a ll tha t the
eleva tion a ngle is indic a ted on the wMMI home
pa ge. With the eleva tion a ngle c orrec tly set,
pla c e the ThurayaIP on a fla t surfa c e with the
a ntenna fa c ing in the direc tion of the sa tellite a s
determined in step 3.
5. You c a n optimise the rec eive signa l strength by observing the signa l
strength displa y on the ThurayaIP while slowly rota ting the ThurayaIP
a few degrees c loc kwise a nd c ounter c loc kwise. Find the direc tion
tha t ma ximizes the signa l strength. Likewise, slowly ra ise a nd lower
the a ntenna a few degrees a nd find the eleva tion tha t ma ximizes
the signa l strength. This step fine tunes the pointing of the a ntenna in
the direc tion of the ThurayaIP sa tellite.
Receive Signal Strength on the ThurayaIP Display
6. Onc e the ThurayaIP obta ins suffic ient signa l strength from the
sa tellite it will a utoma tic a lly c onnec t a nd esta blish a n IP da ta
session. C hec k this on the home pa ge by c onfirming tha t the
“Network Sta tus” line shows “C onnec ted”.
Congratulations! Your ThurayaIP is successfully connected. You should
now be able to send and receive data from your laptop to the internet.
Note: If you a re una ble to suc c essfully c onnec t to the
Internet, ensure tha t nothing but open sky is between the
ThurayaIP a nd the ThurayaIP Sa tellite. If the view is bloc ked by
trees, mounta ins, buildings, meta lized gla ss or simila r objec ts
then you must reloc a te the ThurayaIP. Additiona l a ssista nc e
c a n be found in the troubleshooting sec tion towa rds the end
of the ThurayaIP User Guide.
Do not stand in front of the Antenna
ThurayaIP emits ra dio frequenc y energy when in the tra nsmit
mode. To a void injury, do not pla c e hea d or other body pa rts
in front of the a ntenna when system is opera tiona l.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Quick Reference
This sec tion serves a s a referenc e guide, identifying the key opera tiona l
a spec ts of using the ThurayaIP system a nd the Controls and Indicators
on ThurayaIP a nd their func tions.
Global Positioning System Operation
The ThurayaIP c onta ins a n integra ted G loba l Positioning System (G PS)
rec eiver tha t is used to provide loc a tion informa tion. G PS loc a tion
informa tion is required for system a c c ess, a nd the rec eption of a new
G PS loc a tion is a ttempted a utoma tic a lly every time ThurayaIP is
powered on.
For optimum G PS signa l rec eption, ma ke sure ThurayaIP is positioned in
a roughly horizonta l pla c ement. Sinc e G PS rec eivers must “see” a la rge
pa rt of the sky without obstruc tions from buildings, mounta ins or trees, it
ma y be nec essa ry to ta ke your ThurayaIP out to a c lea r spa c e to obta in
a new G PS loc a tion. It ma y be possible to obta in a new G PS loc a tion in
a less fa voura ble c irc umsta nc e, but the time to c ompletion ma y be
Onc e upda ted, ThurayaIP remembers your loc a tion so the unit c a n be
reloc a ted to a more c onvenient working a rea , suc h a s inside a building
by a window fa c ing towa rd the sa tellite.
Onc e you ha ve esta blished a session on ThurayaIP you will not need
a nother G PS loc a tion while you remain c onnec ted in the “Alwa ys On”
c ondition. This is c onvenient if you intend to opera te from one loc a tion
for a n extended period of time sinc e there is no need to move
ThurayaIP to refresh the G PS rec eiver. Also, your stored G PS loc a tion
rema ins good for a period of time even if you power down a nd move a
short dista nc e between sessions. When you believe this is the c a se,
simply skip the G PS loc a tion step a nd c omplete the ThurayaIP sa tellite
pointing opera tion prior to going direc tly onto the network. Be sure to
c a refully point your unit every time it is moved.
The most rec ent G PS loc a tion is stored in ThurayaIP even when powered
down. Upon power up, the ThurayaIP will a ttempt to upda te this G PS
loc a tion sinc e the Thura ya system will only a llow a c c ess if your G PS
loc a tion is not too old. If ThurayaIP ha s a va lid G PS loc a tion then the
G PS ic on on the displa y will go from fla shing to solid. Likewise, the web
MMI will indic a te if the c urrently a va ila ble G PS loc a tion is va lid or inva lid.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Integrated Man Machine Interface (iMMI)
The ThurayaIP ha s a n Integrated Man Machine Interface (iMMI) whic h
a llows you to c ontrol the opera tiona l fea tures of the termina l without the
need of a PC or a browser. The iMMI inc ludes buttons la belled with
defining ic ons, a n LC D, a nd a n a udible pointing a id integra ted into the
ThurayaIP itself.
The figure below shows the la yout of the ThurayaIP iMMI.
iMMI Button Locations
The following ta ble gives you a summa ry of the four ThurayaIP buttons.
Power button
Short press
Ba c klight on, c a nc el a ny menu
opera tion, return to sta tus menu
Long Press
Turn unit on or off
C onnec t button
Short press
Long press
Toggle a udio pointing sta te
(sound on/off)
Toggle c onnec tion sta te
(c onnec t/disc onnec t)
Exit pointing mode
Menu button
Modify button
Short press
Long press
Sc roll to next menu item
Sta rt G PS rec eiver ma nua lly
Short press
Long press
Sc roll to next option of displa yed
menu item when in menu
Toggle Wi-Fi on/off (when not in
menu displa y)
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
The upper level of the LC D displa ys status messages a nd menu items.
Sta tus messa ges a re summa rized in the ta ble below.
Powering Off
Displa yed while ThurayaIP is powering down
Fa ult {c ode}
A ha rdwa re fa ult exists, preventing opera tion (see
troubleshooting sec tion for c ode expla na tions)
Too Hot
A tempora ry therma l shutdown is a bout to oc c ur
Ba ttery Hot
A tempora ry therma l shutdown is a bout to oc c ur
due to ba ttery hea ting
No SIM is detec ted in ThurayaIP
Loc ked
A sec urity c ode is needed (entered via wMMI)
A SIM pin c ode is needed (entered via wMMI)
In pointing mode
G PS old
Disc onnec ted
G PS is older tha n the system time period a llows
The termina l ha s no IP c onnec tion to the network,
preventing da ta tra nsfer
Ac quiring
The termina l is a ttempting to c onnec t to the network
Tx{ra te}/Rx{ra te}
Tra nsmit a nd Rec eive strea ming ra tes in kilobits per
sec ond
Sta nda rd
Best efforts qua lity of servic e in both direc tions
You na viga te a mong the options a va ila ble in the iMMI by utilizing the
Menu a nd Modify buttons. With the unit in its “norma l” sta te displa ying
sta tus indic a tors, you press the Menu button to view a nd modify Quality
of Service (QoS) settings a nd LCD displa y pa ra meters. Pressing the
Modify button within a Menu option a llows you to c ha nge the c urrent
The sta tus displa y is the defa ult displa y; a fter 30 sec onds of ina c tivity, the
displa y a lwa ys reverts to the sta tus displa y. Pressing the Menu button
ta kes you through a c irc ula r list of menu items a nd then ba c k to the
sta tus displa y. The two ma jor menu options a re the following:
Change Rate: Modify the QoS settings for Tra nsmit a nd Rec eive.
LCD Contrast: Modify the c ontra st on your LC D.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
With the unit in the defa ult sta tus displa y, press the Menu button.
The Change Rate menu option is then displa yed.
Press the Modify button. You a re then brought to the first va lue in
the series of QoS settings.
Change Rate Menu
Sta nda rd
Selec ts Ba c kground QoS for both the
tra nsmit a nd rec eive direc tions
Tx: 384Kbps
Selec ts 384Kbps Tx Strea ming QoS
Hidden unless externa l a ntenna a tta c hed
Tx: 16Kbps
Tx: 32Kbps
Tx: 64Kbps
Tx: 128Kbps
Tx: 256Kbps
Selec ts 16Kbps Tx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 32Kbps Tx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 64Kbps Tx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 128Kbps Tx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 256Kbps Tx Strea ming QoS
Hidden unless externa l a ntenna a tta c hed
Rx: 384Kbps
Selec ts 384Kbps Rx Strea ming QoS
Hidden unless externa l a ntenna a tta c hed
Rx: 16Kbps
Rx: 32Kbps
Rx: 64Kbps
Rx: 128Kbps
Rx: 256Kbps
Selec ts 16Kbps Rx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 32Kbps Rx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 64Kbps Rx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 128Kbps Rx Strea ming QoS
Selec ts 256Kbps Rx Strea ming QoS
Press the Modify button to sc roll down the Sta nda rd a nd Tx QoS
va lues until you see the setting you wa nt. When you sc roll to
ea c h setting, the displa yed QoS va lue blinks, indic a ting tha t this
selec tion is pending. Press the Modify button to move to the next
setting without c ha nging the pre-existing va lue.
When the list of va lues is exha usted, press the Modify button to
lea d you ba c k to the first va lue. You c a n c a nc el the selec tion
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
a nd tra nsition ba c k to the sta tus displa y via a short press of the
Power button.
When you ha ve found the va lue you wa nt, press the Menu
button. This a c tion selec ts the new ra te. Onc e you selec t the
ra te, you a re tra nsitioned to the Rx set of va lues unless you
selec ted “Sta nda rd” in whic h c a se you will exit ra te selec tion.
Na viga tion through a nd selec tion of the Rx va lues is the sa me a s
for the Tx va lues. Use the Modify button to sc roll through the list in
a c irc ula r ma nner, with c a nc ella tion a c hieved via the short press
of the Power button. Pressing the Menu button selec ts a nd stores
the new Rx ra te, a nd you will then exit ra te selec tion.
When you selec t a new QoS, the old PDP c ontext is dea c tiva ted
a nd a new PDP c ontext is a c tiva ted with the new ra te selec tion.
If the ra te selec tion did not c ha nge a s a result of the selec tion,
then no PDP c ontext c ha nge oc c urs.
The lower row of the LC D is dedic a ted to RSSI (signa l strength)
informa tion. This is used to monitor inc oming signa l strength from the
Thura ya sa tellite a nd permit pointing or re-pointing to oc c ur a t a ny time
during opera tion. The displa y provides both a gra phic a l a nd digita l
indic a tion of the signa l strength.
The digita l RSSI indic a tion c onsists of a va lue between zero a nd 99. The
gra phic a l RSSI indic a tion is a 50-element ba r gra ph of the RSSI.
The RSSI displa y upda tes ra pidly for a t lea st five minutes a fter a sa tellite
signa l ha s been a c quired or rea c quired. After tha t a c quisition, the RSSI
displa y ma y be upda ted less ra pidly to c onserve power if the modem is
running on ba ttery. Hint: If the ra te is reduc ed to sa ve power, the ra pid
RSSI upda te mode c a n be re-ena bled for 5 minutes if you short press the
Modify button while the sta tus displa y is present.
Audible Pointing Indicator
An a udible pointing indic a tor provides a n a udible representa tion of the
signa l strength during a ntenna pointing. When on, the indic a tor emits
pointing tones tha t inc rea se in tempo a s the pitc h inc rea ses. If the
sa tellite is not found, one tone is followed by a pa use. The indic a tor
a lwa ys defa ults to off when the unit powers on. Use a short press of the
C onnec t button to toggle the a udio pointing indic a tor on a nd off.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Battery Icon
The ba ttery ic on displa ys the estima ted life of the ba ttery while
under ba ttery power. The ba ttery ic on a lso displa ys the
c ha rging sta te while under externa l power.
Power Icon
The power ic on displa ys the sta te of the external power input.
On if externa l power is c onnec ted.
Off if externa l power is disc onnec ted.
GPS Icon
The G PS ic on indic a tes the sta te of the G PS informa tion in
the ThurayaIP, spec ific a lly whether the informa tion is up-to-
date or should be refreshed.
The ic on flashes when the stored G PS informa tion is older
than the GPS validity period.
The ic on is on steady when the stored G PS informa tion is
within the GPS validity period.
Satellite Icons
The sa tellite ic ons, loc a ted next to the G PS ic on,
indic a te the status of the GPS receiver in the ThurayaIP
a nd the number of visible satellites.
The ic ons a re off when the GPS receiver is off.
The ic ons a re active when the GPS receiver is on, either
fla shing or stea dy sta te. The number of ic ons in stea dy sta te
indic a tes the number of G PS sa tellites in view. You will need
a ll three on solidly to a c quire a new G PS loc a tion.
Wireless LAN Icon
The wireless LAN ic on displa ys the sta te of the WLAN fea ture.
Off if Wireless LAN opera tion is turned off.
On if Wireless LAN is on.
Wireless LAN Lock Icon
The loc k ic on displa ys the state of encryption for the WLAN
fea ture. It is displayed only if the Wireless LAN is on and WLAN
encryption is turned on.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Globe ICON
The globe ic on displa ys the state of IP connection over the
sa tellite.
Off if no PDP context exists (no da ta tra ffic possible).
On if a PDP context exists (rea dy for da ta tra ffic ).
Web Man Machine Interface (wMMI) Screens
The ThurayaIP c a n be a c c essed through a sta nda rd web browser
interfa c e. To a c c omplish this, the c onnec ted c omputer must ha ve one
of the following supported browsers insta lled a long with Ja va ena bled
(Ja va Runtime Environment 1.3.1 or la ter).
Internet Explorer 6.0 or la ter
Netsc a pe C ommunic a tor version 7.2
Firefox 2.0
AOL Explorer
Ma c intosh Sa fa ri
To a c c ess the ThurayaIP, c onnec t your c omputer, run a supported
field. You ma y wish to a dd this a ddress to the browser’s bookma rk list so
the a ddress will be ea sier to find in the future. When a c tive, the browser
interfa c e will a llow you to a c c ess the wMMI.
Ea c h of the ma in web pa ges c onta ins importa nt sta tus informa tion in
the upper left ha nd c orner. The ba r gra ph next to the
ic on
represents rec eive signa l strength. The ba r gra ph next to the
ic on
provides a n indic a tion of the ba ttery’s level a nd c ha rging sta te. The
ic on a rea below these indic a tors mirrors the ic ons desc ribed in the iMMI
sec tion a bove.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
The Home sc reen provides you with key summa ry sta tus informa tion
a bout ThurayaIP a nd is a lso a ga tewa y into ThurayaIP ma na gement.
Home Sc reen
Network Sta tus: Provides the sta tus of the network c onnec tion.
Tra nsmit Ra te: Provides the requested a nd a c tua l tra nsmit c ha nnel
da ta ra te. The a c tua l a lloc a ted da ta ra te ma y va ry from the one
requested due to subsc ription or system c a pa c ity restric tions.
Rec eive Ra te: Provides the requested a nd a c tua l rec eive c ha nnel da ta
ra te. The a c tua l a lloc a ted da ta ra te ma y va ry from the one requested
due to subsc ription or system c a pa c ity restric tions.
Fixed Ra te: Provides the sta tus of the Fixed Ra te c ontrol. Ena ble Fixed
Ra te when using a strea ming c onnec tion tha t must ma tc h the
requested da ta ra te. If the ra te is una va ila ble, the c onnec tion will not
be ma de.
Multimedia : Provides the sta tus of the Multimedia c ontrol. Ena ble
Multimedia when using strea ming a pplic a tions like Voic e over Internet
Protoc ol (VoIP) or live video pla yba c k.
C onnec t/Disc onnec t: This button toggles the network c onnec tion sta te
on or off. When Disc onnec ted no da ta c a n be sent or rec eived.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
C ha nge Da ta Ra te: This button a llows you to c ha nge the c onnec tion
pa ra meters for the c urrent session.
Quic k C onnec t: These buttons a c c ess pre-stored c onnec tion profiles.
G PS: The displa y inc ludes the G PS rec eiver sta te (On/Off), G PS sa tellites
visible, G PS va lidity, c ompa ss direc tion a nd a ntenna a ngle. To obta in a
G PS fix, ma ke sure there a re a t lea st three visible sa tellites reported.
Onc e a G PS position is obta ined, the ThurayaIP will provide the c ompa ss
direc tion a nd degrees of eleva tion to the sa tellite. This informa tion is
used in the pointing opera tion desc ribed ea rlier.
The Properties sc reen displa ys a summa ry of c urrent c ommunic a tions
pa ra meter settings. You c a n a lso use this sc reen to do the following:
Restore Fa c tory Defa ults
Reset Termina l
Power Off Termina l
Upgra de Modem Softwa re (a link to the upgra de website)
Properties Sc reen
About Restoring Factory Defaults: When you c lic k this button, the restore
message confirmation screen informs you tha t the termina l is a bout to
reset to fa c tory defa ults. Restoring the fa c tory defa ults returns the
ThurayaIP settings to their origina l, just out-of-the-box sta te. This does not
c ha nge the sec urity c ode or SIM pa ra meters. Plea se exerc ise c a ution
when proc eeding. If you invoke Restore Factory Defaults, you will need
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
to re-enter a ny c onfigura tion informa tion supplied by your Servic e
Provider. You must enter the sec urity c ode to c omplete the reset.
Current Settings: provides the c urrent c ommunic a tions pa ra meters.
Softwa re Version
Interfa c e Mode
Public Network IP Address
Priva te Sa tellite Modem IP Address
Modem Interna tiona l Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)
Sa tellite Modem Media Ac c ess C ontrol (MAC ) Addresses.
This sc reen provides you with a n estima te of your da ta usa ge. Da ta
usa ge figures a re obta ined by c ounting the bytes in the IP pa c kets
rec eived by a nd sent from the ThurayaIP termina l. You c a n view both
“sinc e power on” (per session) a nd “C umula tive” (lifetime) da ta usa ge
c ounts. To reset the da ta c ounters of a session, simply selec t the reset
button for either tra nsmit or rec eive a nd c lic k the Apply button.
Statistic s Sc reen
Note: The da ta usa ge figures provided on the sc reen a re
estima tes only. This fea ture is not tied into the a c tua l billing
system. Hughes a ssumes no lia bility if differenc es a re found
between da ta usa ge figures a nd your a c tua l bill.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Ac c essible from the Ma in Menu, the C onnec tion Ma na gement Sc reen
a llows you to selec t Qua lity of Servic e (QoS) pa ra meters sepa ra tely for
tra nsmit a nd rec eive da ta . Note tha t the “384Kbps” selec tion requires
a n externa l a ntenna .
Connec tion Management Sc reen
Tra nsmit Ra te a nd Rec eive C onnec tion Ra te: Allows you to selec t the
tra nsmit a nd rec eive ra tes from the list of Ba ndwidth va lues.
Multimedia C ontrol: Allows you to ena ble or disa ble Automa tic Repea t-
reQuest (ARQ) over the sa tellite. Typic a lly, ARQ--a n error c ontrol
protoc ol for da ta tra nsmission–-is best disa bled for voic e or video tra ffic .
Fixed Ra te C ontrol: Allows you to ena ble or disa ble fixed ra te servic e
over the sa tellite. You c a n forc e the c onnec tion to ma tc h the
requested QoS. If disabled, the best strea ming ra te possible -- up to a nd
inc luding the selec ted ra te -- will be a llowed. If enabled, the termina l will
not set up a c onnec tion unless the requested ra te is a va ila ble from the
Remember to c lic k Apply to sa ve a ny c ha nges or they will be lost.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
The Status Screen, displa yed in a sepa ra te window, provides you with a
c onsta ntly upda ted flow of dyna mic informa tion a nd a c onc ise
summa ry of the ThurayaIP sta tus.
Status Sc reen
This displa y gives you a summa ry of c urrent Sa tellite Modem system
c onfigura tion a nd performa nc e. When the Sta tus Window is open, its
informa tion is upda ted every minute. Note that if you are running on
battery powe r, your available operating time will be reduc e d.
Network Sta tus: Provides the sta tus of the network c onnec tion.
Signa l Qua lity: This ba r gra ph displa ys sa tellite signa l qua lity.
Signa l Strength: Use this displa y to monitor inc oming signa l strength from
the sa tellite a nd permit pointing or re-pointing to oc c ur a t a ny time
during opera tion.
Note: Signal Quality vs. Signal Strength. The Signa l Qua lity
sta tus is a different mea sure of the rec eived sa tellite signa l
tha n the Signa l Strength sta tus. Seeing differenc es between
these two levels is norma l a nd not a n indic a tion of a problem
with your ThurayaIP.
Sa tellite Antenna Type: Use this displa y to determine whic h sa tellite
a ntenna is in use. The sta nda lone termina l will use its interna l a ntenna .
Optiona l externa l a ntenna s, a c tive a nd pa ssive, c a n be hooked up to
the ThurayaIP for c onvenienc e a nd higher performa nc e. See your
servic e provider rega rding these a c c essories.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Ba ttery Sta tus: On ba ttery, c ha rging or c ha rged.
Ba ttery Level: This ba r gra ph provides a n indic a tion of rema ining ba ttery
c a pa c ity.
Green: norma l indic a tion of ba ttery level
Red: a lmost fully disc ha rged
Amber: c ha rging under externa l power
Sta tus: Any c urrent system sta tus c odes (see Troubleshooting sec tion).
From the Ma in menu you c a n selec t Settings to na viga te a mong a ll the
va rious Settings func tions from the menu on the left side of the sc reen:
Network Settings
Sec urity Ma na gement Settings
Login Settings
Adva nc ed Settings
After exec uting the nec essa ry First Time Set-up steps to c onfigure
ThurayaIP, you ma y wa nt to selec t the Network Settings sc reen to c hec k
your network c onfigura tion.
Network Settings Sc reen
This sc reen provides you with c ontrol over key network a c c ess
pa ra meters. Here you find the a ppropria te Doma in Na me Servic e (DNS)
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
a nd the Ac c ess Point Na me (APN) informa tion c onfigured by your
Servic e Provider. You a re a lso given the a bility to ma ke c ha nges.
Note: G enera lly your Servic e Provider ha s a lrea dy performed
this c onfigura tion step for you. Whenever you modify the
a ddresses on the Network Settings sc reen, you must press
SAVE a nd exit the wMMI, reboot your c omputer, a nd power
the ThurayaIP off a nd then ba c k on so tha t the new settings
c a n ta ke effec t.
Obta in Address Automa tic a lly: If this button is selected, ThurayaIP
uses a n IP a ddress a utoma tic a lly a ssigned by the network during
the period when the Modem c onnec ts to the network.
Sta tic a lly C onfigure Address: If this button is selected, the Modem
uses the IP a ddress you enter in the Sta tic Public Network IP
Address field. You should c hec k this box a nd enter a n IP a ddress
only if direc ted to do so by your Servic e Provider.
Obta in DNS Address Automa tic a lly: If this button is selected,
ThurayaIP uses a Prima ry Host Doma in Na me Servic e (DNS)
a utoma tic a lly a ssigned by the network during the period when
the Modem c onnec ts to the network.
Sta tic a lly C onfigure Address: If this button is selected, the Modem
uses the DNS a ddress you enter in the DNS Address field. You
should c hec k this box a nd enter a n IP a ddress only if direc ted to
do so by your Servic e Provider.
APN Selec tion: If use of multiple Internet Servic e Providers is required,
you c a n modify the c urrent Access Point Name (APN) va lue. You should
modify these fields only if direc ted to do so by your Servic e Provider. The
c hoic es a re the following: Strea ming-C BR, Refill, <BLANK> (enter the
desired na me) a nd Disa bled.
SAVE/ C ANC EL: If you wa nt the va lues you ha ve entered to be
proc essed, c lic k the SAVE button, exit the wMMI, a nd reboot your
c omputer. You will a lso need to turn ThurayaIP off a nd then on a ga in so
tha t the new settings c a n ta ke effec t. If you wa nt the va lues you ha ve
entered to be ignored, c lic k the CANCEL button a nd the Network
Settings rema in a s they were with no reboot required.
The Security Management sc reen a llows you to impose a tighter level of
sec urity on your ThurayaIP.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Sec urity Management Sc reen
SIM PIN Disa ble/Ena ble: If Enabled, a prompt requests you to enter the
SIM PIN ea c h time you power up the modem. This helps prevent
una uthorised use of your SIM. Disable this fea ture to skip the PIN entry
proc ess. To c ha nge the setting, c lic k the desired one, enter the c urrent
SIM PIN (required), a nd c lic k the Save button.
Note: If the SIM PIN c ode is inc orrec tly entered three times,
the SIM will be loc ked until the PUK (Pin Unloc k Key) number is
entered. C onsult your Servic e Provider if you do not ha ve your
PUK number.
C ha nge SIM PIN: If the SIM PIN is enabled, a nd you would like to c ha nge
the existing PIN, c lic k this link. You will be required to enter the Old PIN,
the New PIN, a nd the New PIN a ga in for c onfirma tion.
Loc k Upon SIM C ha nge: When this setting is enabled, you must enter a
sec urity c ode when the termina l powers up with a new SIM.
Restric ted Administra tive Ac c ess: When Restric ted Administra tive
Ac c ess is enabled, protec ted web pa ges c a n only be a c c essed a fter
you enter a userna me a nd pa ssword. The userna me is the fixed string
“a dmin” a nd the pa ssword is the sec urity c ode.
C ha nge Sec urity C ode: The sec urity c ode is 12345 when shipped from
the fa c tory. To c ha nge a n existing Sec urity C ode, c lic k this link. You will
be required to enter the Old C ode, the New C ode, a nd the New C ode
a ga in for c onfirma tion. C lic k Save to store the c ha nges.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Note: If you forget the sec urity c ode you will need to c onsult
with your servic e provider.
Utilize the login sc reen only if you ha ve been given the nec essa ry
informa tion from your Servic e Provider.
Servic e Provider Sec urity: If this is enabled, you c a n enter a User Name
a nd Password for a uthentic a tion between ThurayaIP a nd your Servic e
Provider. Your Servic e Provider will let you know if this step is required
a nd give you the nec essa ry informa tion.
User Na me, Pa ssword, C onfirm Pa ssword: You must enter the pa ssword
twic e to ensure a c c ura c y.
The WLAN C onfigura tion sc reen a llows you to c onfigure WLAN
c ha ra c teristic s, inc luding ena bling/disa bling WLAN, setting a timer tha t
will forc e WLAN to power down if no host c onnec ts within the timeout,
a nd setting up sec urity.
WLAN Configuration Sc reen
WLAN Power: Selec t ON or OFF to turn the fea ture on or off.
WLAN Power Off timeout: If disabled, there is no timeout. If this
pa ra meter is enabled, the WLAN will rema in powered up for the
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
selec ted timeout va lue a fter the termina l powers on. If no WLAN a c tivity
is detec ted during the timeout, the WLAN c a rd will power down.
WLAN SSID: The WLAN network ID (SSID) c a n be entered a s desired.
WLAN Region: Selec t the WLAN region from a drop down list (X10, X20,
X30, X31, X32, X40 a nd X41). If you try to a c tiva te a c ha nnel not
supported in the selec ted region, the request sha ll be rejec ted with a n
error messa ge.
WLAN C ha nnel: Selec t the WLAN c ha nnel from a drop down list (1
through 14).
The WLAN Sec urity sc reen a llows you to c onfigure WLAN sec urity
pa ra meters, inc luding ena bling/disa bling Wired Equiva lent Priva c y
(WEP), hiding the SSID a nd setting Media Ac c ess C ontrol (MAC ) filters.
Ac c ess this sc reen by c lic king the WLAN Security Settings link towa rds
the bottom of the WLAN Configuration Screen.
WLAN Sec urity Sc reen
WLAN SSID Broa dc a st: Enable or Disable SSID broa dc a st.
Sec urity (WEP): Enable or Disable sec urity for Wired Equiva lent Priva c y
(WEP), a sec urity protoc ol for the wireless loc a l a rea network.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
WLAN Key to Use: Selec t the active key--Key1 through Key4--from a pull
down menu. Note tha t in 128-bit key mode only Key1 is a va ila ble.
64-bit WEP/128bit-WEP: Use this button to toggle between 64-bit a nd
128-bit WEP mode.
WLAN Key Fields, Key 1 through Key 4: In 64-bit WEP mode, enter a 10
c ha ra c ter (0-9, A-F) key value in ea c h of four text boxes. In 128-bit WEP
mode, enter a 26 c ha ra c ter (0-9, A-F) key value in the Key1 text box.
G enera te: Instea d of ma nua lly entering a key va lue, you ma y press the
Generate button to a utoma tic a lly genera te a key va lue.
Hide Keys: C lic k this button to hide the keys from this displa y.
MAC Filtering: Enable or disable MAC filtering. If filtering is enabled, you
c a n enter up to eight MAC a ddresses. Only these a ddresses will be
permitted to a c c ess the termina l.
The a dva nc ed settings sc reen a llows you to modify severa l key
opera ting pa ra meters in the unit.
Advanc ed Settings Sc reen
Sa tellite Sea rc h Method: Normal is the defa ult method to use unless your
Servic e Provider spec ifies the Full Method. The Full method ta kes longer
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
a nd utilizes more resourc es sinc e it will sea rc h a ll possible frequenc ies for
ThurayaIP servic e. This full sea rc h c a n ta ke up to 20 minutes.
Auto Power ON: When Enabled, the termina l will a utoma tic a lly power
up when externa l DC is present.
Antenna Pointing: This drop-down menu determines whether the
Pointing Displa y c omes up ea c h time ThurayaIP is powered up or
resta rts. The fa c tory defa ult for this setting is Disabled to bypa ss the
pointing sta te upon power up. However, a ntenna pointing c a n be
Enabled to provide pointing informa tion prior to going online.
LC D Ba c klight C onfig: LC D ba c klighting c a n be On (15 sec), Off, or
Auto (off a fter 15 sec onds of ina c tivity unless externa l DC present).
Power Up Profile: You c a n selec t the power up profile from a drop
down list, inc luding Sta nda rd a nd three c ustomiza ble strea ming profiles.
Ea c h strea ming profile c a n be c ustomized by name, multimedia mode,
fixed rate mode, transmit rate, a nd receive rate.
Selec t the Save button to implement your modific a tions.
The a ntenna pointing step c a n be ena bled using the Antenna Pointing
option on a dva nc ed settings sc reen desc ribed a bove. When this option
is enabled, the ThurayaIP will stop in a pointing mode prior to a c c essing
the network a fter powering up. This c a n be useful when optima l pointing
is importa nt, suc h a s with fixed insta lla tions using a n externa l a ntenna .
Pointing Sc reen
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
The pointing sc reen ha s a signa l strength ba r gra ph a nd numeric va lue
to a ssist in a c c ura te a ntenna pointing. The green ba r identifies the signa l
strength mea sured during a ntenna pointing a nd will help you optimise
the pointing direc tion. Note tha t obta ining the highest signa l strength
possible will ensure tha t you ha ve a n optimum c onnec tion to the
G PS Rec eiver: On/Off
G PS Sa tellites: The number of sa tellites visible to the unit
G PS Va lidity: Inva lid, Stored or Va lid. See the G loba l Positioning System
Opera tion sec tion for more deta ils on G PS.
Point Antenna to These Settings: C ompa ss Direc tion a nd Antenna Angle
to help orient ThurayaIP towa rd the sa tellite. Onc e this rough pointing is
a c c omplished, use the Signa l Strength meter desc ribed below to
optimise the pointing direc tion.
Signa l Strength: This blue ba r moves to the right a s the signa l rec eived
from the sa tellite gets stronger. The numeric displa y to the right of the
ba r is simply a digita l representa tion of the ba r. The ora nge pea k-hold
ba r a t the end of the blue ba r identifies the highest signa l strength
mea sured during a ntenna pointing a nd will help you optimise the
pointing direc tion. Use this displa y when fine tuning ThurayaIP’s
orienta tion to the sa tellite. Signa l strength is only a rela tive mea sure of
the sa tellite signa l strength a nd ma y va ry from loc a tion to loc a tion.
Exit Pointing: Selec t this button to lea ve the sc reen a fter optimum signa l
strength ha s been a c hieved. This a c tion will ta ke you to the Home
sc reen on the wMMI.
Sta tus: Sta tus c odes (see end of guide for a list).
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Should a ThurayaIP Modem softwa re upgra de bec ome a va ila ble, you
c a n c omplete the upgra de proc ess yourself. The softwa re c a n be
downloa ded direc tly from the Internet using a ny a va ila ble a c c ess
method, inc luding ThurayaIP.
In order to upgra de softwa re you must first connect to the Internet a nd
follow the steps listed below:
1. C onnec t your PC /Notebook to the Internet using ThurayaIP
(sa tellite servic e), wired LAN, or dia l up c onnec tion.
2. G o to www.thura ya .c om or use the Upgra de link on the
Properties Pa ge if c onnec ted to the ThurayaIP.
3. G o to the web site a rea for ThurayaIP upda tes.
4. To downloa d, selec t the la test upgra de pa c ka ge. The
browser proc eeds to retrieve the pa c ka ge.
5. Onc e the pa c ka ge is downloa ded, you a re prompted to
exec ute the pa c ka ge. Selec t Yes a nd the upgra der
a pplic a tion will self-extra c t onto the PC ’s ha rd drive.
6. Onc e the pa c ka ge is insta lled, it puts a shortc ut on the
desktop a nd prompts you to upgrade now. Ma ke sure the
ThurayaIP is now c onnec ted to the PC via Ethernet
(rec ommended) or USB a nd is powered up. Selec t the
upgra de option on the PC , a nd the progra m will a llow you to
upgra de the termina l.
7. The upgra der will query the c urrent softwa re version of the
termina l. You should c hoose whether you wa nt to upgra de
to the newer version of softwa re.
8. If you c hoose to upgra de the termina l, the proc ess
a utoma tic a lly downloa ds the new relea se of softwa re a nd
forc es a termina l reboot.
9. When the termina l returns from reboot, you c a n verify tha t
the downloa d wa s suc c essful via the Properties pa ge in the
10. Onc e loa ded onto a PC , the upgra de progra m c a n be used
to upgra de a ny number of ThurayaIP termina ls. Just c onnec t
them one a t a time a nd exec ute the upgra de progra m.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
This sec tion deta ils the following:
Some genera l ha rdwa re a nd softwa re problems you ma y enc ounter
in the insta lla tion a nd opera tion of ThurayaIP a long with the
possible sourc e of these problems a nd how to c orrec t them.
System fa ult c odes a nd desc riptions reported to you by ThurayaIP on
the wMMI sc reens, a long with their possible c a uses a nd solutions.
If una ble to c orrec t a problem plea se c onta c t the ThurayaIP dea ler
you purc ha sed the unit from.
General Troubleshooting
Possible Cause
ThurayaIP will not
switc h on, or will
not sta y on when
under ba ttery
Ba ttery needs
rec ha rging.
C ha rge the ba ttery. C hec k
Ba ttery Light or wMMI sc reen for
ba ttery c ha rging indic a tion.
The ba ttery is not
inserted properly.
Remove a nd reinsert the ba ttery.
Ma ke sure the ba ttery c a ble
c onnec tor is la tc hed.
The ba ttery
C hec k the ba ttery c onnec tor
c onta c ts a re dirty or c onta c ts. C lea n them if
da ma ged.
nec essa ry. If you find a ny
da ma ge, repla c e ba ttery.
The Modem wa s
reset while under
ba ttery power
When the Modem is reset while
under ba ttery power (no AC
Ma ins c onnec ted), you must turn it
ba c k on ma nua lly. This is a norma l
opera tion for the Modem.
SIM c a rd error.
SIM c a rd or SIM
c a rd c onta c ts ma y
be da ma ged.
Visua lly inspec t the SIM c a rd a nd
SIM c a rd c onta c ts a nd return SIM
c a rd to your Servic e Provider if it is
da ma ged.
SIM c a rd ma y not
be present.
Remove the ba ttery door a nd
verify tha t the SIM c a rd is present.
SIM c a rd ma y be
inserted inc orrec tly.
Remove the SIM c a rd a nd ma ke
sure tha t it is inserted a c c ording to
the instruc tions in the User G uide.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Possible Cause
SIM c a rd c onta c ts
ma y be dirty.
C lea n the SIM c a rd c onta c ts with
a dry c loth.
The wMMI does not The browser ma y
For Netsc a pe, go to Adva nc ed
Preferenc es a nd selec t ‘Direc t
c onnec tion to the Internet.’
work from browser.
not be c orrec tly
c onfigured.
For Mic rosoft Internet Explorer,
selec t Tools / Internet Options /
C onnec tions / LAN Settings a nd
unc hec k the box la belled ‘Use a
proxy server for your LAN.’
You Ma y Need To Rec hec k This
Box Upon Returning To Your Other
Internet C onnec tion.
Prima ry LAN
The interfa c e c a ble
is not plugged in
c orrec tly.
Remove a nd reinsert the interfa c e
c a ble from both the PC a nd the
c onnec tion to the
Modem does not
func tion.
The PC Windows
network settings
ma y not be
c onfigured
c orrec tly.
Ma ke sure the Windows network
settings in the PC a re set to
c hoose IP settings a utoma tic a lly
(DHC P). Then reboot the PC .
The PC c a n only
ha ve one a c tive
LAN c onnec tion.
When c onnec ted
to the PC , the
Modem must be
the only a c tive LAN
c onnec tion.
Disc onnec t a ll other LAN
c onnec tions. Ma ke sure the
Modem is the only a c tive LAN
c onnec tion.
Windows limits the number of
network bindings to six. If you ha ve
more tha n six, you must remove
one in order for the PC to
c ommunic a te with the Modem.
The c ompa ss does
The c ompa ss is not
Hold the ThurayaIP upside down
a nd level, a wa y from meta llic
objec ts.
not a ppea r to work level or is nea r
c orrec tly.
meta l.
The Sec urity C ode
a ppea rs to be
inva lid.
The c ode ma y
ha ve been
c ha nged.
After ten failed attempts to enter the
Security Code, you must switch the
Modem off and on again to have
access to another 10 retries. If you
forgot the Security Code, contact your
Service Provider.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Possible Cause
The SIM PIN c ode
a ppea rs to be
inva lid.
The c ode ma y
ha ve been
c ha nged.
If the SIM PIN is bloc ked, c onta c t
your Servic e Provider to obta in the
PUK (PIN Unloc k Key) c ode. Enter
the PUK when prompted.
ThurayaIP c a nnot
loc a te itself using
No signa l or wea k
signa l.
Make sure no obstruction is blocking
the GPS antenna and that the
Modem has a clear view of at least
3/4 of the sky. Make sure that you do
not place your hand or another object
over the main antenna radome.
Determining G PS
position c a n ta ke
up to 5 minutes.
Wa it for 5 minutes. Switc h the
Modem off a nd on a ga in.
The Modem is
c onfigured to use
a n externa l G PS
a ntenna .
The a ntenna switc h is a utoma tic , if
you ha ve c onnec ted a G PS
a ntenna ma ke sure it c a n see the
full sky
The Signa l Strength
meter on the
Ja va not ena bled
on the browser.
Ena ble Ja va a pplic a tions on the
pointing sc reen
does not c ha nge
when moving the
a ntenna .
Rough pointing not
c ompleted
c orrec tly.
Follow the instruc tions in the User
G uide to c orrec tly c omplete
rough pointing.
ThurayaIP c a nnot
find the sa tellite.
No signa l or wea k
signa l.
Make sure no obstruction is blocking
the satellite signal. Make sure that the
Modem has a clear view of the sky in
the direction of the satellite. Be aware
that metalized window glass may
reduce or entirely block the signal.
Check that the antenna is pointed
using the correct compass direction
and antenna angle from the wMMI
Pointing screen.
ThurayaIP c a nnot
You did not exit
C lic k the ‘Exit Pointing’ button
from the Pointing pa ge or press
the Connect button on the fa c e
of the termina l.
a c c ess the internet a ntenna pointing
a fter suc c essful
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Possible Cause
The a ntenna ma y
not be pointed
Turn ThurayaIP off a nd then ba c k
on a ga in, a nd a ttempt a ntenna
pointing a ga in to improve the
signa l strength. You ma y need to
reposition ThurayaIP, verifying tha t
there a re no obstruc tions bloc king
the sa tellite signa l a nd tha t the
Modem ha s a c lea r view of the
sky in the direc tion of the sa tellite.
The Modem
network settings
ma y not be
c orrec tly
Refer to the network settings
supplied by your Servic e Provider.
If the DNS Host settings a re
c ha nged, the PC must be
c onfigured.
The browser ma y
not be c orrec tly
c onfigured.
For Netsc a pe, go to Adva nc ed
Preferenc es a nd selec t ‘Direc t
c onnec tion to the Internet.’
For Mic rosoft Internet Explorer,
selec t Tools / Internet Options /
C onnec tions / LAN Settings a nd
unc hec k the box la belled ‘Use a
proxy server for your LAN.’
No network a c c ess Interferenc e from
If you a re nea r a nother sa tellite
mobile termina l, switc h the other
sa tellite mobile termina l off or
move a s fa r a wa y a s possible to
a void interferenc e.
or poor network
performa nc e.
other sa tellite
mobile termina ls.
The ba ttery will not
c ha rge.
The ba ttery is
defec tive.
Repla c e the ba ttery. After severa l
yea rs of a vera ge use, a gra dua l
dec line ma y be expec ted.
The ba ttery
C hec k the ba ttery c onnec tor
c onta c ts a re dirty or c onta c ts. C lea n them if
da ma ged.
nec essa ry. If the ba ttery is
da ma ged, repla c e it.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Possible Cause
Sa tellite Modem
stops sending da ta
even with good
Modem/ba ttery is
overhea ted.
It the LC D displa y indic a tes a n
over tempera ture c ondition let the
ThurayaIP c ool down before
a ttempting to resume opera tion.
c onnec tion a nd
suffic iently
c ha rged ba ttery.
The Signa l Qua lity
meter on the
wMMI c ha nges
from time to time.
Norma l beha viour.
There a re severa l types of
c ha nnels used by the Modem,
ea c h with different signa l
strengths. Bec a use the Signa l
Qua lity meter mea sures the
c ha nnel c urrently in use, there
ma y be slight differenc es in wha t
the meter shows a s c ha nnels a re
c ha nged from one type to
a nother.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Status Codes
Number and
1 SIM c a rd is not
Absenc e or
inc orrec t
insta lla tion of the
SIM c a rd.
SIM card may not be present.
Remove the battery cover and
verify that the SIM card is present.
insta lled. Power down,
insta ll SIM c a rd properly
a nd try a ga in.
SIM card may be inserted
incorrectly. Remove SIM card and
make sure it is inserted according to
the instructions in the User Guide.
SIM card may be damaged.
Visually inspect the SIM card and
return it to your Service Provider if
SIM card contacts may be dirty.
Clean the SIM card contacts with a
dry cloth.
If problem c ontinues, replace SIM
card with a known good SIM card. If
problem persists, return the unit to
your Service Provider for service.
2 SIM c a rd rea d/write
error. Power down a nd
try a ga in.
Fa ilure to rea d
from or write to
the SIM c a rd.
Power down ThurayaIP and try
SIM card may be da ma ged.
Visually inspect the SIM card and
return it to your Service Provider if
SIM card contacts may be dirty.
Clean the SIM card contacts with a
dry cloth.
If the problem continues, replace
SIM card with a known good SIM
card. If the problem persists, return
the unit to your Service Provider for
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
3 SIM c a rd a c c ess ha s
been bloc ked. Plea se
c onta c t your Servic e
Failure to access the This oc c urs a fter 3 fa iled
SIM card due to too a ttempts to enter the PIN. The
many failed
SIM c a rd is loc ked. Enter the PUK
to unloc k the SIM c a rd.
attempts with an
invalid PIN.
4 SIM c a rd ha s been
improperly c ha nged
during a n a c tive
session. Power down
a nd try a ga in.
You repla c ed a
SIM c a rd with
a nother a fter the
Modem wa s
turned on.
The SIM c a rd must be repla c ed
when the unit is turned off.
Ma ke sure the unit is turned off
before repla c ing the SIM.
5 SIM c a rd is not
responding. Power
down a nd try a ga in.
Ha rdwa re fa ilure
to a c c ess the SIM
c a rd.
Power down ThurayaIP and try
SIM card may be damaged.
Visually inspect the SIM card and
return it to your Service Provider if
SIM card contacts may be dirty.
Clean the SIM card contacts with a
dry cloth.
If problem continues, replace SIM
card with a known good SIM card. If
problem persists, return the unit to
your Service Provider for service.
6 A required da ta field
is missing from the SIM
c a rd. Plea se c onta c t
your Servic e Provider.
Absenc e of a
required da ta
field on the SIM
c a rd.
SIM card was incorrectly
programmed and is missing one or
more required fields. The SIM card
must be repla c ed by another from
your Service Provider.
7 This subsc riber is not
a llowed to c onnec t to
the network. Plea se
c onta c t your Servic e
Your a uthorisa tion ha s been
removed by your Servic e
Provider (SIM c a rd IMSI is not
a uthorised). C onta c t your
Servic e Provider to rega in
servic e.
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
the user is not
a llowed to
c onnec t to the
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
8 This termina l is not
a llowed to c onnec t to
the network. Plea se
c onta c t your Servic e
The Modem a uthorisa tion ha s
been removed by your Servic e
Provider (Modem IMEI is not
a uthorised). C onta c t your
Servic e Provider to rega in
a uthorised servic e.
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
the Modem is not
a llowed to
c onnec t to the
9 This user ha s no
subsc ription, servic e is
not a llowed. Plea se
c onta c t your Servic e
C onta c t your Servic e Provider to
rec eive a uthorised servic e. Your
Servic e Provider should c hec k
the subsc ription entries in the
Home Loc a tion Registry.
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
you a re not
identified a s a
subsc riber to the
servic e.
10 This Mobile Termina l
wa s deta c hed by the
network. C a use
unknown. Power down
a nd try a ga in.
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion
broken with a n
unknown c a use.
11 Network c onnec tion Network
C onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure – Inva lid
c onnec tion
pa ra meters used for
network a tta c h
proc edure. Plea se
c onta c t your Servic e
fa ilure due to use
of inva lid
pa ra meters.
12 Network c onnec tion Network
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure - LLC or SNDC P
fa ilure. Power down
a nd try a ga in.
c onnec tion
fa ilure c a used by
fa ilure.
13 Network c onnec tion Network
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure – Unknown PDP
type. Plea se c onta c t
your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion
fa ilure.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
14 Network c onnec tion Network
C onta c t your Servic e Provider to
rega in a uthorised servic e. Your
Servic e Provider should c hec k
the subsc ription entries in the
Home Loc a tion Registry.
fa ilure - User
c onnec tion
a uthorisa tion fa iled.
Plea se c onta c t your
Servic e Provider.
fa ilure bec a use
the user is not
a uthorised for
servic e.
15 Network c onnec tion Network
C onta c t your Servic e Provider to
rega in a uthorised servic e. The
Servic e Provider should c hec k
fa ilure – Servic e option
not supported. Plea se
c onta c t your Servic e
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
the servic e option the subsc ription entries in the
is not supported.
Home Loc a tion Registry.
16 Network c onnec tion Network
C onta c t your Servic e Provider to
rega in a uthorised servic e. The
Servic e Provider should c hec k
the subsc ription entries in the
Home Loc a tion Registry.
fa ilure - Servic e option
not subsc ribed. Plea se
c onta c t your Servic e
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
user wa s not
subsc ribed to the
servic e option.
17 Network connection
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
failure - N-SAPI has already c onnec tion
been used. Power down
and try again.
fa ilure bec a use
network a ssigned
a n N-SAPI tha t is
a lrea dy being
18 Network c onnec tion The c onnec tion
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure – Regula r PDP
dea c tiva tion by
wa s dea c tiva ted
by the Network.
network. Power down
a nd try a ga in.
19 Network c onnec tion C onnec tion
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure - SM network
fa ilure. Power down
a nd try a ga in.
fa ilure due to the
network Session
Ma na ger (SM).
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
20 Network c onnec tion Too ma ny fa iled
fa ilure – Too ma ny a ttempts (4) to
fa ilures to a c tiva te PDP c onnec t to the
c ontext. Power down
a nd try a ga in.
This fa ilure ma y oc c ur bec a use
of a wea k signa l due to
obstruc tions or geogra phic
position (suc h a s extreme
la titude or longitude). C onta c t
your Servic e Provider to verify
c overa ge for your loc a tion.
21 Network c onnec tion Assignment of a n
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
The Servic e Provider should
verify tha t you ha ve the c orrec t
network settings.
fa ilure - Network
inva lid IP a ddress
by the network
a ssigned a n inva lid IP
a ddress. Power down
a nd try a ga in.
c onnec tion.
22 Network c onnec tion Network
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
fa ilure due to la c k c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
of a response
fa ilure – No response
from network. Power
down a nd try a ga in.
c onnec tion
from the network.
23 Network c onnec tion Network
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure – Protoc ol error
c onnec tion
rec eived from network. fa ilure due to a
Power down a nd try
a ga in.
protoc ol error.
24 Network c onnec tion Interna l softwa re
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure – G PRS sta c k
c ould not a tta c h to
MUX interfa c e. Power
down a nd try a ga in.
25 Network c onnec tion Interna l softwa re
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
fa ilure - G PRS sta c k
c ould not deta c h from
MUX interfa c e. Power
down a nd try a ga in.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
26 SIM c a rd error - IMSI
field is longer tha n 8
bytes a nd is inva lid.
Plea se c onta c t your
Servic e Provider.
SIM c a rd ma y
ha ve been
progra mmed
inc orrec tly.
SIM c a rd wa s inc orrec tly
progra mmed. The SIM c a rd
must be repla c ed by a nother
from your Servic e Provider.
27 G PRS softwa re
interna l fa ilure - G PRS
sta c k messa ge
Interna l softwa re
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
subsc ription fa ilure.
Plea se c onta c t your
Servic e Provider.
28 Termina l Equipment
ha s been
The c onnec tion
Remove a nd reinsert the
between Termina l interfa c e c a ble from both the
disc onnec ted from the
Equipment a nd
PC a nd the ThurayaIP. When
done reboot the ThurayaIP.
Mobile Termina l. Plea se Mobile Termina l
esta blish the
c onnec tion
ha s been
removed, or
The interfa c e
c a ble between
Termina l
Equipment a nd
Mobile Termina l is
not plugged in
29 Network a c c ess
bloc ked – G PS fix is too
old. Power down a nd
The G PS fix is
inva lid or
Verify tha t the Modem ha s a n
open view of the sky to get a
G PS fix.
ThurayaIP is
try a ga in. ThurayaIP will una ble to obta in
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
a ttempt to rea c quire
c onnec tion a fter
rec eiving a new G PS
the va lid G PS fix.
30 Network servic e is
not a va ila ble – Inva lid
position for selec ted
LAI. Plea se power
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion
fa ilure due to
inva lid position.
down a nd c onta c t
your Servic e Provider.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
101 This user wa s
deta c hed by the
network. Trying to
rea tta c h…
C onnec tion
broken by the
Power down ThurayaIP a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
103 Network c onnec tion Network
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
failure – PLMN is not
allowed. Reacquiring
c onnec tion
fa ilure due to
PLMN not
a llowed.
104 Network
If the problem c ontinues in other
a rea s where servic e is a llowed,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion fa ilure - LA
is not a llowed.
Rea c quiring
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
ThurayaIP is in a
servic e not
c onnec tion…
a llowed Loc a tion
Area (LA).
105 Network
You a re using a
SIM c a rd from a
c a rrier tha t does
not ha ve a
If the problem c ontinues with a n
a uthorised SIM c a rd, c onta c t
your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion fa ilure –
Roa ming is not
a llowed. Rea c quiring
c onnec tion.
roa ming
a greement with
your Servic e
106 Network
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion fa ilure -
Mobile Termina l
implic itly deta c hed by
the network.
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
Modem wa s
implic itly
Rea c quiring
c onnec tion…
deta c hed by the
107 Network service is not Network servic e
If the problem c ontinues,
available – Network
resources not available.
not a va ila ble due c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
to la c k of network
resourc es.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
108 Network servic e is
not a va ila ble.
Network servic e
not a va ila ble.
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
Rea c quiring
c onnec tion…
109 Network service is not Network servic e
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
available – No network.
not a va ila ble.
110 Network service is not Network servic e
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
available - Cell access
barred. Reacquiring
not a va ila ble
bec a use c ell
a c c ess is ba rred.
111 Network servic e is
not a va ila ble – Limited
network servic e.
Rea c quiring
Network servic e
not a va ila ble due c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
to limited servic e.
If the problem c ontinues,
c onnec tion…
112 Network servic e is
not a va ila ble - Inva lid
position. Rea c quiring
c onnec tion…
Network servic e
not a va ila ble
bec a use the G PS
position is not
va lid.
You should verify tha t the
Modem ha s a n open view of
the sky to get a G PS fix. If the
problem c ontinues, c onta c t
your Servic e Provider.
113 Network servic e is
not a va ila ble – Inva lid
position for the
Verify tha t the Modem ha s a n
open view of the sky to get a
G PS fix. If the problem
c ontinues, c onta c t your Servic e
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
the of a n inva lid
G PS position.
selec ted Servic e
Provider. Rea c quiring
c onnec tion…
114 Network servic e is
not a va ila ble - Inva lid
position for selec ted
RAI. Rea c quiring
The G PS fix does
not ma tc h the
selec ted Routing
Area Informa tion
You should verify tha t the
termina l ha s a n open view of
the sky to get a c urrent G PS fix.
If the problem c ontinues,
c onnec tion…
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
115 Network servic e is
not a va ila ble –
Unknown c a use.
Rea c quiring
Network servic e
not a va ila ble –
c a use unknown.
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion…
116 Network
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
Network ma y be down.
c onnec tion fa ilure -
Insuffic ient resourc es.
Rea c quiring
c onnec tion
fa ilure due to
insuffic ient
resourc es.
c onnec tion…
117 Network
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
Network ma y be down.
c onnec tion fa ilure –
PDP rejec ted for
unspec ified rea son.
Rea c quiring
c onnec tion
fa ilure – unknown
c a use.
c onnec tion…
118 Network
c onnec tion fa ilure -
Servic e option
tempora rily out of
order. Rea c quiring
c onnec tion…
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
Network ma y be down.
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
servic e option is
tempora rily out of
119 Network
c onnec tion
fa ilure.
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
Network ma y be down.
c onnec tion fa ilure -
PDP dea c tiva ted by
network. Rea c quiring
c onnec tion…
120 No network
c onnec tion - User
initia ted PDP
The Modem wa s
powered down
while c onnec ted
to the network.
You will genera lly not see this
c ode. In order for you to
dea c tiva te the PDP, you must
power down the termina l. If the
problem c ontinues, c onta c t
your Servic e Provider.
dea c tiva tion.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
121 Network
C onta c t your Servic e Provider to
get the c orrec t network settings.
c onnec tion fa ilure -
Missing or inva lid APN.
Plea se provide c orrec t
informa tion a nd try
a ga in.
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
the APN is missing
or inva lid.
122 Network
Verify tha t your Servic e Provider
User ID a nd pa ssword a re
c orrec tly set on the Network
Settings sc reen. If they a re
c orrec t a nd the problem
c ontinues, c onta c t your Servic e
c onnec tion fa ilure -
Rejec ted by G G SN.
Plea se re-enter User
ID/Pa ssword a nd try
a ga in.
c onnec tion
fa ilure due to
rejec tion by the
123 Network
Modify the QoS settings a nd try
a ga in. If the problem c ontinues,
set a ll QoS settings to the
c onnec tion fa ilure -
Requested QoS
rejec ted by network.
Plea se modify
c onnec tion
fa ilure bec a use
the requested
defa ult va lues a nd try a ga in. If
QoS wa s rejec ted the problem c ontinues with the
by the Network.
pa ra meters a nd try
a ga in.
defa ult va lues, c onta c t your
Servic e Provider.
124 Network
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion fa ilure -
Inva lid tra nsa c tion id.
Rea c quiring
c onnec tion
fa ilure due to
inva lid
c onnec tion…
tra nsa c tion ID.
125 Network
If the problem c ontinues,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
c onnec tion fa ilure –
Unknown Session
Ma na ger error.
Rea c quiring
c onnec tion
fa ilure due to
unknown session
ma na ger error.
c onnec tion…
126 Network a c c ess
Network a c c ess is bloc ked. The
network will send the Modem a
timer va lue, a nd the Modem will
a ttempt to c onnec t a ga in
when the timer is c omplete. If
the problem c ontinues, c onta c t
your Servic e Provider.
bloc ked - ThurayaIP will c onnec tion
a ttempt to rea c quire
c onnec tion.
fa ilure bec a use
network a c c ess is
bloc ked.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
Number and
127 Network a c c ess
Network a c c ess is You a re bloc ked from Network
bloc ked – Ra dio priority bloc ked due to
a c c ess due to your network
priority. If the problem
c ontinues, c onta c t your Servic e
is less tha n threshold.
ThurayaIP will a ttempt
to rea c quire
the user’s priority.
c onnec tion.
128 G PS fix is too old.
Modem will a ttempt to
rea c quire c onnec tion
a fter rec eiving a new
G PS fix.
Notific a tion of a
G PS fix during or
a fter Network
c onnec tion
A new G PS fix wa s obta ined
during the c onnec tion proc ess,
superseding the old fix. The
Modem will rea c quire the
c onnec tion. If the problem
c ontinues a nd a new
proc edure.
c onnec tion c a nnot be ma de,
c onta c t your Servic e Provider.
129 Network a c c ess
bloc ked - G PS loc a tion
ma y be too old. If
c ondition does not
c lea r, plea se obta in a
new G PS loc a tion.
G PS fix ma y be
too old.
Verify tha t the Modem ha s a n
open view of the sky to get a
G PS fix. If the problem
c ontinues, c onta c t your Servic e
130 Network a c c ess
una va ila ble - G PS
loc a tion needs
upda ting.
G PS fix is too old.
The Thura ya IP termina l will
a c quire a new G PS loc a tion
a nd c onnec tion. Do not power
off the termina l.
131 Ba ttery
tempera ture too high.
The ba ttery is too
Allow the termina l to c ool down.
132 Termina l
tempera ture too high.
The termina l is too Allow the termina l to c ool down.
133 An externa l-
a ntenna is
rec ommended to
a c hieve the requested
da ta -ra tes.
The 384kbps
strea ming da ta
ra te requires a n
Atta c h a n a pproved high ga in
externa l a ntenna to the termina l
to obta in the highest strea ming
externa l a ntenna . ra te.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
APN: Ac c ess Point Na me. APNs c a n be a ssigned to ea c h externa l
network interfa c e to a llow c ommunic a tions a mong multiple Internet
Servic e Providers (ISPs). If use of multiple ISPs is required in your
network, on ThurayaIP wMMI Network Settings sc reen you c a n
ena ble APN a nd enter the va lue supplied by your Servic e Provider.
DHCP: Dyna mic Host C onfigura tion Protoc ol. DHC P is a c ommunic a tions
protoc ol tha t lets network a dministra tors ma na ge c entra lly a nd
a utoma te the a ssignment of IP a ddresses in a n orga niza tion's
network. With use of the Internet Protoc ol, ea c h ma c hine tha t c a n
c onnec t to the Internet needs a unique IP a ddress. You must ma ke
sure tha t the Windows network settings on your PC a re set to a llow
the network to c hoose IP settings a utoma tic a lly.
DNS: Doma in Na me Servic e, a sta tic , hiera rc hic a l na me servic e for
TC P/IP hosts. The network a dministra tor c onfigures the DNS with a list
of host na mes a nd IP a ddresses, a llowing users of worksta tions
c onfigured to query the DNS to spec ify remote systems by host
na mes ra ther tha n IP a ddresses. On ThurayaIP wMMI Network
Settings sc reen, a prima ry a nd possibly a sec onda ry DNS a ddress
supplied by your Servic e Provider must be a ssigned.
Ethernet: Ethernet is a loc a l a rea networking method used widely
throughout the c omputer industry. It is the only c ommunic a tion
interfa c e supported by ThurayaIP.
GGSN: G a tewa y G PRS Support Node.
GPRS: G enera l Pa c ket Ra dio System.
GPS: G loba l Positioning System. When the G PS rec eiver in ThurayaIP gets
a bea ring on a G PS sa tellite, the rec eiver c omputes a nd stores the
Modem’s loc a tion on ea rth. Tha t loc a tion is used in the Pointing
Proc ess to obta in your loc a tion rela tive to the Thura ya Sa tellite.
LAI: Loc a tion Area Identity.
Normal Operational Mode: In this mode, ThurayaIP is c onnec ted to your
network, a llowing you to perform sta nda rd system a c tivities suc h a s
Internet browsing. The other mode of Modem opera tion is Pointing
N-SAPI: Network Servic e Ac c ess Point Identifier.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
MUX: Multiplexer.
PDP: Pa c ket Da ta Protoc ol.
Pointing Mode: In this mode, using ThurayaIP Protra c tor a nd C ompa ss,
a nd referenc ing the Pointing Sc reen for indic a tions of signa l
strength, you ma nipula te the Modem a ntenna to get the optimum
Thura ya Sa tellite signa l strength for your network c onnec tion.
Pointing is required during Modem set-up or if the Modem ha s been
moved from its previous loc a tion. Onc e you ha ve obta ined the best
a ntenna position, you c a n enter Norma l Opera tiona l Mode a nd be
rea dy to perform sta nda rd a c tivities.
Protractor: An instrument tha t mea sures a ngles, ThurayaIP protra c tor
provides the c urrent a ngle of the a ntenna so tha t you c a n a djust it
to the a ntenna a ngle spec ified on the Pointing Sc reen.
QoS: Qua lity of Servic e.
SIM: Subsc riber Identific a tion Module. Your Servic e Provider issues you a
SIM, c onta ining your SIM Persona l Identific a tion Number (PIN) a nd
other sec urity-rela ted informa tion. You insert the SIM into ThurayaIP
SIM holder a s pa rt of Modem ha rdwa re setup. If you c onfigure the
Modem to ena ble SIM PIN sec urity, ea c h time you invoke the
Modem wMMI a fter turning on the Modem, PIN a uthorisa tion is
required in order to use the system.
SIM PIN: A Subsc riber Identific a tion Module (SIM) Persona l Identific a tion
Number (PIN) ma y be supplied by your Servic e Provider. If SIM PIN
entry is ena bled on ThurayaIP wMMI Sec urity Ma na gement sc reen, a
prompt requests you to enter the SIM PIN ea c h time you run the
wMMI. This helps prevent una uthorised use of your SIM.
SNDCP: Sub-network Dependent C onvergenc e Protoc ol.
Static IP Address: A sta tic Internet Protoc ol (IP) a ddress is a number tha t
is a ssigned to a c omputer by a n Internet Servic e Provider (ISP) to be
its perma nent a ddress on the Internet. C omputers use IP a ddresses
to loc a te a nd ta lk to ea c h other on the Internet. If Sta tic IP
a ddressing is ena bled on ThurayaIP wMMI Network Settings sc reen,
you must enter a n IP a ddress supplied by your Servic e Provider in the
Sta tic Public Network IP Address field tha t follows.
Status Code: A number whic h uniquely referenc es a n event or c ondition
in a ha rdwa re or softwa re system. In ThurayaIP, if there is a fa ult
detec ted, the sta tus c ode a nd a desc ription a re displa yed a t the
bottom of the Modem wMMI Home a nd Sta tus sc reens.
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
a ddress...............14, 22, 40, 48, 49
Administra tive Ac c ess.............. 23
a ntenna ... ii, iv, v, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16,
18, 20, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 47, 49
APN ...........................21, 22, 45, 48
ARQ............................................. 19
a udio pointing indic a tor.......... 13
ba c klighting............................... 28
ba ttery.. iii, 3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21,
31, 32, 35, 36, 46
pa ssword ....................... 23, 24, 45
PIN .................... 5, 9, 23, 33, 37, 49
pointing.6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 27,
28, 29, 33, 34
Power button .............. 3, 9, 11, 12
Priva te Sa tellite Modem IP
Address ...................................17
proxy server..................... 2, 32, 34
Public Network IP Address 17, 22,
ba ttery door ............................ iii, 3
browser.. 2, 5, 8, 14, 30, 32, 33, 34
browser URL a ddress .................. 5
c ompa ss.....................5, 16, 32, 33
C onnec t button.............. 9, 13, 34
c onnec tion profiles .................. 16
da ta usa ge .......................... 17, 18
DNS............................21, 22, 34, 48
drivers ........................................... 2
eleva tion a ngle........................... 6
Ethernet....................1, 2, 4, 30, 48
externa l power.................... 13, 21
fa ult c odes................................. 31
Fixed Ra te ............................ 15, 19
G PS.... 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16,
28, 29, 33, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48
hea ring a ids................................ iv
IMEI........................................ 17, 38
IMMI.................. 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Ja va ...................................... 14, 33
LC D .............. iii, 8, 9, 10, 12, 28, 35
login ............................................ 24
MAC ............................2, 17, 25, 27
Menu button.................... 9, 10, 12
Modify button............9, 10, 11, 12
Multimedia ........................... 16, 19
pa c ema kers ............................... iv
QoS.........10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 45, 49
Qua lity of Servic e ......... 10, 18, 49
Restore Fa c tory Defa ults....16, 17
RSSI ..............................................12
sa fety .........................................i, iii
sa tellite .. ii, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14,
16, 19, 20, 29, 30, 33, 34, 48
sec urity c ode ............ 9, 17, 23, 24
Signa l Qua lity.......................20, 35
Signa l Strength.......... 6, 20, 29, 33
SIM ... ii, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 17, 23, 31, 32,
33, 36, 37, 41, 42, 49
Softwa re Version .......................17
SSID........................................25, 26
tempera ture...........ii, iii, 35, 46, 47
timeout .................................24, 25
upgra de ........................ 16, 29, 30
USB.................................. 1, 2, 4, 30
video .....................................16, 19
voic e ...........................................19
WEP........................................25, 26
WiFi ............................................1, 9
wireless LAN............................4, 13
WLAN, vii, 13, 14, 24, 25, 26
wMMIvi, 5, 6, 9, 14, 22, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 35, 48, 49, 50
ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
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